Happy things come first =D
we have the best form 6 orientation ever =) ~
I hope everyone else felt the same as me .-.
I love the party haha~ although i usually end up busy serving because it involved teachers :/
and i'm not a mean senior to order my juniors around or to interrupt others when they are eating.
Okay. I admit that I did kacau Poh Ching a lot hahaha since she's my assistant :D~
Anyway, thank you for those who volunteered to help =) i know you girls sayang me~~~ hahahahaha~~~
I just hope that the juniors wouldn't get much ragging from the seniors OxO;;
nvm we are niceeeeeee =))))

i love the present my mentees gave me :D it's lovely~
but one of the two left T_T... anyway, thank you for coming on the last day ^^!

hmmm... I'm becoming as isolated as ever O_o HA HA HA~
oh well, life is as usual, busy busy and BUSY~
alright. I know. My vocabulary is just so limited.

I'm feeling unmotivated to start a work, or to complete my works.
Teacher's Day is just around the corner, and so is our mid-term examination!!
There's just too much to do in such little time given to me, us, and... you~?

Well, for examination, WE never have enough time to even study the subjects in DETAILS.
It's just flipping through and then you gain a short-term memory of what's on the paper or books we are going through and then poof! they are GONE! The short-term memory will only be followed by a long-term memory lost. GREAT.
Study for the sake of examination. Not that we wished to, but that's just what we have been indirectly lead to.

Teacher's Day. . .
Today is...?
Happy Teacher's Day~~~ =)

A nightmare for us to make the best day for you :/

Somehow when i look at everyone, I'm speechless. I'm tired of pushing anyone to work. If you don't wanna work, just tell me, i will get a replacement.
I lay my trust on you, yet you failed me.

Maybe I don't have leadership skills.
But why the hell am i chosen!?
Maybe someone else has leadership skills yet lack of responsibility?
Nah someone got chosen anyway.

I'm tired of smiling.
I hate faking a smile. It's so LAME.
I'm tired of having a stress face ~_~
It's suffering to wrinkle my forehead all day long.
Thank you my DEAR CBNners for "MAKING MY DAY".
I'm tired of having emotion.
At least, it's not necessary to show it to everyone.
Who are you to me?

=( Life is indeed unfair.
I stay back till over 3.30pm , even 6pm :/
And suffer the terrible traffic jam after 4pm+
Wasting my time in the dim bus.
Not being able to study just to protect my eye-sight from getting worst from worse, to blind.
Yet what did you do? Enjoying your life?

I just hope someday, somehow, they will wake up and learn what RESPONSIBLE and COOPERATION is and have the qualities with them.


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