
our prefects are crazy =.="!!!
They molest the heads today =_=lll...
i dunno why, Ru Yi and Carven suddenly got so hyper O_o~
Anyway, i haven't kena from them ^_^~
don't think they are interested to kenakan me ~_~
but ah I wouldn't really mind I guess :p since i'm so flat chested~
nothing for them to molest~~~
haha Ai Ring and Merri's reaction was funny~
Merri got balas dendam @.@ i mean play with them =.="... so friendly ==...
Ai Ring reaction was so big XD
well, they said they will kenakan me tomorrow O.o
yea yea~ we'll see~ =.="~~~ I won't have expression anyway =_=lll
orang kayu~~~

prefect life, so far so good~ XD
the one i'm having problem with, is MT6 =.="
oh yea, i stayed in the hall for whole day today, which means i never go into class!!
GREAT eh? =_=lll
just because teacher wanted us to stay in case anything happens =.="

the prefect's shoes~
majority choose heels :D
but actually, it's everyone choose heels i think @_@
Pavi doesn't look very happy O_O...
or maybe she just always looks like that...?
arrr =.=" i can't even understand how my own senior feels... i'm such a failure T_T...

Am I trying to get attention?
No. I'm just staying quiet!!
I'm not creating any trouble ok =.="

Lalala whoever wanna read my blog, you read laaaaaaaaaa
it's public :P
talk what you wanna talk~ stalk whoever you wanna stalk =.="~

ehhh :D i wanna kacau people~~~ but i don't feel like kacau-ing them =.=...
especially the cocky one =x~ kacau pun tak hirau, SIEN.

prefect life is never a perfect life but the experience will make your life become more perfect :D


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