
Doing the tags during midnight hoho ^.^

i'm doing hw actually ¬_¬ ... too bored :p

It's harder than it looks!
Copy to your own note, erase my answer, enter yours, and tag twenty people.
Use the first letter of you name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real... nothing made up!
If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers, you cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/ girl name question.

correction for this weird tag blekkk ¬_¬

1. What is your name: Kong Wenjing

2. A four Letter Word: Kick

3. A boy's Name: Kelvin

4. A girl's Name: Kays

5. An occupation: K apa? aaaaaa i dunno =_=lll ... Korean actor :P

6. A color: K... k... k... eeeeeeeeeee y is k so hard??? kelabu! =.="

7. Something you'll wear: k... k... k........... kelip rambut! ...=_=lll ...

8. A food: Keropok :p

9. A place: King's Club ¬_¬

10. A reason for being late : kerana aku tidur lambat so bangun lambat so...

11. Something you'd shout: Kariiiiiiiiiiii

12. A movie title: K... i dunnoooooooooooo

13. Something you drink: Kari O_O

14. A musical group: Keroro =.="

15. An animal: kuching ^-^

16. A street name: Kalimantan road ...got that road? ¬_¬

17. A type of car: K... kereta apa-apa je =.="

18. The title of a song: Kamikaze

why do i have such a hard initial??? Grrr...

I tag
people who are linked and haven't done this tag :P

i don't think there're 20 people linked thou ¬_¬

older tag ==... paiseh, so long only do =.="

1).Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?
what favourite spot!? that sounds wrong ==... forehead

2). How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
nervous 'coz i haven't finish my hw, but yet, i slept back =P

3). Who was the last person / people you took a photo with?
err O_O too many people to list out, i took photos with all the lower sixes ^^

4). Would you consider yourself spoiled ?

5). Will you ever donate blood ?
Sure, as long as I'm healthy enough to do that.

6). Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?
hmmm yea?

7) Do you want someone to be dead?
None at the moment.

8. What does your last text message say ?
...must u type it out? =.= fine see la see la =.="
'ps just now say bb to mc pt... got many ppl will fan me 'coz they will keep f4 at me n pm me =.="... like that how i mc wor'
can't understand what it means right :P

9. What are you thinking right now?

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
Yep, alone in the night is rather scary but thank God i have laptop with me ^^!

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
No idea. Mum bought it.

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
@_@ yes.

14. Who was the last person(s) who text you ?
Raja my classmate.

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz...
whoever i wanna tag won't do this tag anyway. So what's the point of tagging?


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